The Scarlet Letter - Harriet Brouard 1821
The Scarlet Letter - Harriet Brouard 1821
The Scarlet Letter - Harriet Brouard 1821
A Scottish sampler from the collection of The Scarlet Letter. The unique border of this sampler creates almost an optical illusion, shading diamonds and scallops from light to dark. It demonstrates how the simple cross stitch can be used to dramatic and highly artistic effect. Originally embroidered with fine two-ply worsted wool crewel yarns on linen the subtle color palette reflects the natural dyes used to pigment the yarns. The finished reproduction will be the same size as the original sampler. Only cross and back stitches are required.
Model Fabric: 30ct linen
Threads: Au Ver Soie d'Alger with DMC conversion.
Stitch Count: -
Approx. Sizes: 15" x 19"
Includes: Counted Cross Stitch Pattern/s with Materials List & Instructions
*Due to Copyright Restrictions Patterns are Not Returnable.