Mojo Stitches - Lavenia Compton 1838
Mojo Stitches - Lavenia Compton 1838
Mojo Stitches - Lavenia Compton 1838
From Joanna: I hope you enjoy meeting Miss Lavenia: you’ll find more details about her life in the chart. She is a calm and quiet presence, much like that tiny deer – peeking out and ready for a run.
Model Fabric: 40ct Doubloon Salem Linen by Picture This Plus.
Stitch Count: 283 w x 288 h
Threads: WDW Cayenne, Chestnut, Dirt Road x 2, Driftwood, Putty, Cornsilk, Dove, Holly x 2, Scuppernong, Monkey Grass; GAST Pomegranate, Carriage Black, Picnic Basket, Old Hickory x 2, Bayberry; Classic Colorworks Clay Pot, Dublin Bay with DMC conversion.
Approx. Size: 14 1/8" x 14 3/8"
Year: 2020
Includes: Counted Cross Stitch Pattern/s with Materials List & Instructions
*Due to Copyright Restrictions Patterns are Not Returnable